Investment involves risks including the possibility of loss of the capital invested. Prices of investment products may go up as well as down and may even become valueless. Investors should not only base on this marketing material alone to make any investment decision, but should read in detail of the offering documents and the Risk Disclosure Statement of the relevant investment products.

Subscribe for the Relevant Investment Products
to enjoy up to HKD15,000 cash rewards

Prestige Private / Prestige Banking customers can now enjoy the fabulous offers below
during the promotion period:

Subscribe for the Relevant Investment Products Offer

From 1 July 2024 to 30 September 2024, Eligible Prestige Private/Prestige Banking customers1 who subscribe for the Relevant Investment Products with designated accumulated investment amount can earn the cash rewards below:

Relevant Investment Products Minimum accumulated investment amount (HKD or equivalent) Cash reward
(for every HKD500,000 accumulated investment amount)
Investment Funds,
Structured Products and/or
secondary market bonds
HKD500,000 HKD400
HKD3,000,000 HKD500
HKD10,000,000 HKD600
MaxiInterest Investment Deposit,
Certificate of Deposit Product and/or Capital Protected Investment Deposit
Every HKD500,000 HKD300
(maximum: HKD3,000)

1Applicable to Prestige Private or Prestige Banking personal customers who did not have any subscription of Relevant Investment Products between 1 January 2024 and 15 June 2024 via any integrated account(s) and channels.

Terms and ConditionsTerms and ConditionsTerms and Conditions apply to Relevant Investment Products Subscription Offer.

Transfer-in investment fund units to enjoy an unlimited cash reward

From 2 January to 31 December 2024, Prestige Private and Prestige Banking customers who successfully transfer-in eligible investment fund units to the Bank with designated accumulated amount can enjoy an unlimited cash reward!

Accumulated amount of the eligible transferred-in investment fund units (HKD or equivalent) Cash reward (for every HKD100,000 accumulated transferred-in investment fund amount (HKD or equivalent)
HKD200,000 to less than HKD500,000 HKD300
HKD500,000 or above HKD400
(no upper limit for cash reward)

Terms and ConditionsTerms and ConditionsTerms and Conditions apply to the offer of Transfer-in Eligible Investment Fund Units.

Investment Financing Service1

Make use of Investment Financing Service to boost your purchasing power to capture more market opportunities and higher return potential.

3 key features and advantages

Up to 80% Loan Ratio2 for you to get up to 5 times of your capital by leveraging

More flexibility for you to enlarge your investment portfolio

Enjoy a preferential Interest Rate

1 Investment Financing Service only applicable to Prestige Private or Prestige Banking customer.

2 Loan Ratio means, in respect of each Eligible Securities subscribed or to be subscribed by the customer, the portion of the subscription price of the relevant Eligible Securities which may be financed by the Facility as prescribed by the Bank at its discretion from time to time.

Please visit Hang Seng Bank website > Personal > Investment > Other Related Services > Investment Financing

Investment involves risks. To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!

Learn more

Prestige Private & Prestige customers can contact our 24-hour Wealth Service Team via "Click-to-call" or "Live Chat" on Hang Seng Mobile App, or call hotline for enquires.

Prestige Private: 2998 8022
Prestige: 2998 9188

The above offers are not and should not be considered as an offer or solicitation to deal in any of the investment products or services mentioned herein. Where necessary, please seek independent professional advice.

Risk Disclosure of Investment Funds

  • Investors should note that all investments involve risks (including the possibility of loss of the capital invested), prices or value of investment fund units may go up as well as down and past performance information presented is not indicative of future performance. Investors should read carefully and understand the relevant offering documents of the investment funds (including the fund details and full text of the risk factors stated therein) and the Notice to Customers for Fund Investing before making any investment decision. Investment funds are investment products and some may involve derivatives. Investors should carefully consider their own circumstances whether an investment is suitable for them in view of their own investment objectives, investment experience, preferred investment tenor, financial situation, risk tolerance abilities, tax implications and other needs, etc., and should understand the nature, terms and risks of the investment products. Investors should obtain independent professional advice if they have concerns about their investment.

Risk Disclosure of Structured Products

  • Structured Products involve derivatives. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in a Structured Product unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the Structured Product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. Structured Product is a complex product and you should exercise caution in relation to Structured Products. The market value of the Structured Products may fluctuate and investors may sustain a total loss of their investment. Prospective investors should therefore ensure that they understand the nature of the Structured Products and carefully study the risk factors set out in the offering documents for the Structured Products and, where necessary, seek independent professional advice, before they decide whether to invest in any Structured Products. If you purchase the Structured Products, you are relying upon the creditworthiness of the Issuer of the Structured Products.
  • Liquidity risk - Structured Products are designed to be held to its maturity. You may not be able to sell your investment in the Structured Products before maturity. If you try to sell the Structured Products before maturity, the amount you receive may be substantially less than the investment amount you paid for the Structured Products.
  • Credit risk of the Structured Products issuer - Structured Products constitute general unsecured and unsubordinated contractual obligations of the issuer. When you buy Structured Products, you will be relying on the creditworthiness of the Structured Products issuer and of no other person. You have no rights under the terms and conditions of the Structured Products against any issuer of any linked underlying(s). If the relevant Structured Products issuer becomes insolvent or default on its obligations under the Structured Products, in the worst case scenario, you could lose all of your investment.
  • Not the same as investing in linked underlying(s) - Investing in Structured Products is not the same as investing in the linked underlying(s). Changes in the market price or level of any linked underlying(s) may not lead to a corresponding change in the market value of, or your potential gain or loss under, the Structured Products.
  • Before making any investment, investors should
    1. read and fully understand all the offering documents relating to Structured Products and all the risk disclosure statements and risk warnings therein; and
    2. make investment decisions in light of your own investment objectives, financial position and particular needs and where necessary consult your own professional advisers before investing.

Risk Disclosure of MaxiInterest Investment Deposit

  • This is a structured product involving derivatives. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in the MaxiInterest Investment Deposit unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. Investors should read the relevant Important Facts Statement, Terms and Conditions and risk disclosure statement before making any investment decision.
  • Investors should note that this product is not capital protected and is not a normal time deposit, and thus should not be considered as normal time deposit or its alternative.
  • Earnings on this product are limited to the nominal interest payable. As the principal and the earning will be paid in the Deposit Currency or the Linked Currency, whichever has depreciated against the other, investors will have to bear the potential losses due to currency depreciation, which may be substantial. If the product is withdrawn before maturity, investors will also have to bear the costs involved. Such losses and costs may reduce the earnings and the principal amount of this product. Investors should seek professional advice where necessary. The relevant Terms and Conditions of this product are available upon request to the staff of the Bank.
  • This product is not a protected deposit and is not protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong.
  • Investment in this product is subject to the credit risk of the Bank.
  • Renminbi (RMB) is subject to foreign exchange control by the PRC government and thus investors investing in the MaxiInterest Investment Deposit involving RMB are subject to the currency risk of RMB.

Risk Disclosure of Capital Protected Investment Deposit

  • This is a structured product involving derivatives. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in the Capital Protected Investment Deposit unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. Investor should read the Important Facts Statement of the relevant investment type, the relevant term sheet, Terms and Conditions and risk disclosure statement before making any investment decision.
  • Investor should note that this product is not normal time deposit and thus should not be considered as normal time deposit or its alternative.
  • This product is not a protected deposit and is not protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong.
  • Investment in this product is subject to the credit risk of the Bank.
  • Renminbi (RMB) is subject to foreign exchange control by the PRC government and thus investors investing in the Currency-Linked Capital Protected Investment Deposit involving RMB are subject to the currency risk of RMB.

Risk disclosure of Bond or Certificate of Deposit Product

  • Bonds and Certificates of Deposit (CDs) are investment products. The investment decision is yours but you should not invest in a bond/CD unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the bond/CD is suitable to you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives. Your intermediary is under a duty to assure that you understand the nature and risks of this product, and that you have sufficient net worth to be able to assume the risks and bear the potential losses of trading in this product.
  • Bonds are not deposits and should not be treated as substitute for conventional time deposits.
  • Certificate of Deposit is not a protected deposit and is not protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong.
  • Investors who purchase bonds/CDs are exposed to the credit risk of the issuer and guarantor (if any) of the bonds/CDs. There is no assurance of protection against a default by the issuer/guarantor in respect of the repayment obligations. In the worst case scenario, any failure by the issuer and the guarantor (if any) to perform their respective obligations under the bonds/CDs when due may result in a total loss of all of your investment.
  • Renminbi (RMB) is not a freely convertible currency. As such, investors trading bonds and/or CDs denominated in RMB are subject to additional risks (such as currency risk).
  • The above is not an exhaustive list of risk factors. Please refer to the section on “Risk Factors” in the relevant “Bond / Certificate of Deposit Trading Services” Factsheet to understand other risk factors applicable to bonds and CDs.
  • The information displayed does not constitute nor is it intended to be construed as any professional advice, offer, solicitation or recommendation to deal in Bonds / CDs. Investors should be aware that all investments involve risks (including the possibility of loss of the capital invested). The prices of Bonds and CDs may go up as well as down and past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investors should not only base on this information alone to make investment decisions, and should carefully consider whether an investment is suitable for them in view of their own investment objectives, investment experience, investment tenor, financial situation, risk tolerance abilities, tax implications and other needs, etc., and should read the relevant product offering documents and terms and conditions (including the full text of the risk factors therein) in detail before making any investment decisions. Investors should obtain independent professional advice if they have concerns about their investment.
  • No guarantee, representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is made as to the fairness, accuracy, timeliness, completeness or correctness of any general financial and market information, news services and market analysis, projections and/or opinions (“Market Information”) provided above and the basis upon which any such Market Information have been made, and no liability or responsibility is accepted by the Bank in relation to the use of or reliance on any such Market Information whatsoever provided in the webinar.
  • Investors must make their own assessment of the relevance, accuracy and adequacy of the information provided and make such independent research/investigations as they may consider necessary or appropriate for the purpose of such assessment. The Bank does not make any representation or recommendation or assessment as to whether or not any of the investment(s) mentioned are suitable or applicable to any persons and thus shall not be held responsible in this regard.

Risk Disclosure Statement of Investment Financing Service


Below are the key risks associated with Investment Financing Service (the “Facility”) which are not exhaustive. The Facility is provided by Hang Seng Bank Limited (the “Bank”).

  1. Risk of Trading in Investment Funds and other Investment Products You should note that all investments involve risks (including the possibility of loss of the capital invested). Prices of units of investment funds or other investment products may go up as well as down and information on past performance is not indicative of future performance. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying and selling investment products. You should read and understand the relevant product's offering documents (including the full text of the risk factors stated therein) in detail before making any investment decision.
  2. Risk of Using Leverage The prices of investment funds and other investment products fluctuate, sometimes dramatically. Financing transactions in investment products by collateral using leverage involves significant risk, and losses may exceed the value of your collateral and may affect your ability to repay the Facility. The higher your leverage is, the bigger your losses can be in adverse market conditions. Contingent orders such as “stop-loss” or “stop-limit” orders may not necessarily limit losses as market conditions may make it impossible to execute contingent orders. You may be required at short notice to make additional margin deposits or interest payments. If the required margin deposits or interest payments are not made within the prescribed time, your collateral may be liquidated without your consent. Force Liquidation may result in losses and you will remain liable for any resulting deficit in your account and interest charged on your account. You should therefore carefully consider whether such a financing arrangement is suitable for you in light of your own financial position and investment objectives.
  3. Risk associated with Margin Requirements The Facility is a financing arrangement with margin requirements. The Available Limit of the Facility is determined by the aggregate of the market value of the investment products charged by you in favour of the Bank as collateral from time to time (“Charged Securities”) multiplied by the applicable Loan Ratio and capped at the Ceiling Limit. The Loan Ratio and the Ceiling Limit are set and may be varied by the Bank from time to time. If unauthorised overdraft occurs (i.e. when the loan amount exceeds the Available Limit) for any reasons, including but not limited to decrease in value of the Charged Securities, change of the Loan Ratio or termination of the Facility, interest on the unauthorised overdraft amount will be charged at the unauthorised overdraft interest rate(s) and you undertake to forthwith repay the unauthorised overdraft amount in cash or dispose of your investments and apply the proceeds towards repayment of the unauthorised overdraft amount.
    If you do not act promptly upon receiving a Margin Call notice and do not take the required actions within a prescribed period, the Bank may exercise various rights, including the right to liquidate part or all of the Charged Securities, and the right to set-off any cash held in your account at the Bank towards any amount owing by you to the Bank under the Facility, in each case at any time and in any way the Bank considers appropriate without demand or notice to you (even if the market value of the Charged Securities drops drastically due to adverse market conditions). You will bear all losses and remain liable for any resulting deficit in your account and interest charged on your account. Commissions, fees and other charges applicable to the Facility may also increase your loss. You should therefore carefully consider whether such a financing arrangement is suitable in light of your own financial position and investment objectives.
  4. Interest Rate risk The interest rate applicable to the Facility is based on Hong Kong Dollar Prime Lending Rate as quoted by the Bank from time to time (“HKD Prime”) plus or minus a pre-determined rate set by the Bank. The interest rate may be subject to change over time. When HKD Prime rate increases, the interest payment under the Facility will increase.
  5. Currency Risk If any of the Charged Securities is denominated in a currency different from the Facility (which is denominated in Hong Kong dollar), a conversion of one currency into another currency is required and such conversion shall be calculated at the rate determined by the Bank to be prevailing in the relevant foreign exchange market at the relevant time. The value of the Charged Securities and the Available Limit of the Facility may change due to fluctuations in foreign exchange rate.
  6. Liquidity Risk If the Bank exercises its right to liquidate the Charged Securities under adverse market conditions, it may be difficult to sell the Charged Securities and the selling price may also be affected when there is no or little liquidity for the Charged Securities in the market. You will be liable for the shortfall if the amount of sales proceeds of the Charged Securities is not sufficient to pay off the amount owing by you to the Bank under the Facility.
  7. Risk of Providing an Authority to Hold Mail or to Direct Mail to Third Parties If you provide the Bank with an authority to hold mail or to direct mail to third parties, it is important for you to promptly collect in person all contract notes and statements of your accounts and review them in detail to ensure that any anomalies or mistakes can be detected in a timely fashion.
  8. Risk of Client Assets Received or Held Outside Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Client assets received or held by the Bank outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region are subject to the applicable laws and regulations of the relevant overseas jurisdiction which may be different from the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap.571, Laws of Hong Kong) and the rules made under it. Consequently, such client assets may not enjoy the same protection as that conferred on client assets received or held in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Please refer to Investment Financing Service Factsheet for relevant terminology.

Please refer to Investment Financing Service Factsheet for relevant terminology. Please visit Hang Seng Bank website > Personal > Investment > Other Related Services > Investment Financing.

Please refer to Investment Financing Service Factsheet for relevant terminology.