Go with the Rhythm of Hang Seng, let Hang Seng lead you through every beat

Be the first to step into various music venues with one beat; instigate every music phenomenon with just one card! We invite you to immerse yourself in concerts of all sizes, band performances, and large-scale music festivals to experience different rhythms ahead of others by using the Hang Seng credit card for priority booking.

The organizer announced that “831 2024 Hong Kong Birthday Party “ scheduled to be held at AXA x WONERLAND on 24 August 2024 will be cancelled.

[Ticket refund arrangement] Customer who have made priority bookings with Hang Seng Credit Card will receive a refund confirmation email of the refund arrangement after KKTIX completes the internal settlement process. The ticket purchase amount will be automatically refunded to the credit card used for the purchase within 30 business days after the refund confirmation email is sent. The refund amount will include the full ticket face value of the purchased tickets and the HKD12 KKTIX platform service fee per ticket. For details of the refund arrangement, please refer to the cancellation notice and refund arrangement on the KKIVE official Facebook and Instagram accounts.

For any enquiries, please email to hksupport@kktix.com.

Thanks again for the support.
{{content.additional?'[Additional Shows] ':''}}Hang Seng Mastercard®Visa Credit Card {{content.priority_phase?content.priority_phase:""}} Priority Booking{{remarkssup}}

Priority Booking
(Terms and Conditions apply to the offers, please read in detail before {{content.signup?"E-pass":""}} booking)
{{!content.soldout?`Priority booking has ended, thank you!`:`Sold-out, thank you!`}}