Important Risk Warnings

Investors should note that investment involves risks. The prices of securities fluctuate, sometimes dramatically. The price of a security may move up or down, and may become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying and selling securities.


Foreign securities carry additional risks not generally associated with securities in the domestic market. The value or income (if any) of foreign securities may be more volatile and could be adversely affected by changes in many factors. Client assets received or held by the licensed or registered person outside Hong Kong are subject to the applicable laws and regulations of the relevant overseas jurisdiction which may be different from the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap.571) and the rules made thereunder. Consequently, such client assets may not enjoy the same protection as that conferred on client assets received or held in Hong Kong.


Investors should not only base on this material alone to make any investment decision, but should read in detail in the relevant risk disclosure statements.

    General Terms and Conditions of Securities Lucky Draw Promotion (the “Promotion”):

  1. The promotion period is from 10 May 2022 to 30 June 2022, both dates inclusive (the "Promotion Period").
  2. The Promotion is applicable to personal customers of Hang Seng Bank Limited (the “Bank”) who also fulfill the criteria (Clause 10) stated below (“Eligible Customers”).
  3. The Promotion is considered on a "per-Eligible Customer basis". In case the relevant account is a joint-named account, only the primary account holder can enjoy the offers.
  4. Unless otherwise specified, the Promotion is not applicable to Commercial customers, Private Banking customers of the Bank, staff of the Bank and any party who enjoys special privileges and offers.
  5. No person other than the customer and the Bank (which includes its successors and assigns) will have any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any of the provision of these Terms and Conditions.
  6. These Terms and Conditions are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
  7. These Terms and Conditions are subject to prevailing regulatory requirements (where applicable).
  8. For more details of the Promotion, please contact the Bank’s staff. The Promotion is offered by the Bank. The Bank reserves the right to suspend, vary or terminate the Promotion and to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. The Bank also reserves the right of final decision on all matters relating to the Promotion, which shall be binding on all parties concerned.
  9. In case of any discrepancy between the English and the Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.

  10. Specific Terms and Conditions of Securities Lucky Draw Promotion

  11. The Promotion is only applicable to Eligible Customers who fulfill either of the below criteria during the Promotion Period (each an “Eligible Lucky Draw Customer”):
    • Successfully open securities accounts (personal/ joint) under Integrated Accounts of the Bank during the Promotion Period ("New Securities Accounts"), and all of the account holders of the New Securities Account must not hold any securities account (personal/ joint) with the Bank within a period of 6 months preceding the account opening date ("New Securities Customers"). If a New Securities Customer opens more than one New Securities Account during the Promotion Period, only New Securities Account with the earliest account opening date will be eligible for the offers below. The Bank reserves the right of final discretion on which New Securities Account can enjoy the offers; or
    • Successfully activate the US Securities Trading Service available at Hang Seng Invest Express mobile app using the securities accounts under the Bank’s Integrated Accounts during the Promotion Period. To activate the US Securities Trading Service, all of the account holders of the relevant securities accounts (i) must submit the W-8BEN Form or Substitute Form W-8BEN (via Invest Express) to the Bank and the form is successfully processed as valid by the Bank subsequently; and (ii) have to provide the relevant acknowledgement and confirmation as required in Invest Express, including acceptance of the “Agreement for United States ("US") Market Information Display Services”. The US Securities Service Activation Date will be the day on which both (i) and (ii) are met with. This offer is not applicable to a) Customers or securities accounts which had activated the US Securities Trading Service on or before 9 May 2022; or b) Customers or securities accounts with any US stocks transaction successfully executed via Invest Express on or before 9 May 2022.
  12. During the Promotion Period, each Eligible Lucky Draw Customer can get a maximum of one lucky draw chance.
  13. Eligible Lucky Draw Customers can participate in the Promotion, and each of them has a chance to win a lucky draw gift (“lucky draw gift”) set out below:
    Lucky draw gift No. of Winner(s)
    2 lots of HSCEI ETF (2828)# (200 shares per lot) (the “grand prize”) 1 winner
    Value around HKD500 of HSCEI ETF (2828)# shares 200 winners
  14. # This offer is provided by Hang Seng Bank. However, please note that HSCEI ETF (2828) (the “ETF”) is managed by Hang Seng Investment Management Limited (which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hang Seng Bank), the ETF’s Trustee, Index Provider, one or more of the Participating Dealers and/or market makers currently also include members of the HSBC Group. Please refer to the Hong Kong Offering Document of the ETF for details of the conflicts of interest in respect of the ETF that may arise.
    Also, please note the relevant risk related to trading of odd lots, including if the proceeds of the odd lots selling order are less than the related charges, customer must pay the difference and bear the loss that may arise from. The processing time of odd lots trading is related to the stock liquidity and the number of odd lot shares. Due to the manual processing of odd lot orders, there is no definite range of price difference between the odd lots and the board lots; such orders may take longer to process and are not guaranteed to be executed. Normally, the execution price of an odd lot order will have several spreads worse than that of a board lot order.

  15. Winners of the lucky draw will be drawn randomly. Each Eligible Lucky Draw Customer who won (“Winner”) can get one lucky draw gift only.
    The Bank will place orders on 26 September 2022 to buy the lucky draw gifts in the secondary market (Hong Kong Stock Exchange) in the name of the Winners.
  16. The Bank will place orders on 26 September 2022 to buy the lucky draw gifts in the secondary market (Hong Kong Stock Exchange) in the name of the Winners. Except the grand prize, the number of shares/units the Winners can get depends on the market price in which the buy trades are placed. Illustrative examples below for reference:
    Lucky draw gift Assumed HSCEI ETF (2828) stock price No. of sharess a Winner can get
    2 lots of HSCEI ETF (2828) Not applicable 400 (200 shares per lot)
    Value of around HKD500 of HSCEI ETF (2828) shares HKD75 7 (round up of HKD500/75 = 6.67)
  17. For each Winner, the Bank will deposit the relevant lucky draw gift to the Securities Account of the Winner before 7 October 2022. The lucky draw gift so deposited will be shown as a buy trade in the Securities Account monthly statement (October 2022). 
  18. A Winner does not have to pay for any securities transaction fee involved for this ”buy trade” of the lucky draw gift, including brokerage fees, custody fee (from September 2022 to August 2023), securities deposit charges, nominee services fee and any third party transaction charges such as transaction levy, stamp duty and trading fee, handling fee, securities management fee etc (“Securities Transaction Fee”).
  19. The Promotion and the provision of the lucky draw gifts  to the Winners do not represent, and should not be construed as, any investment advice from the Bank and the Bank has not taken into consideration the individual circumstances of any customers. Investment involves risks. There can be no guarantee, and no representation is made, on the performance of the lucky draw gifts or as to whether losses would be incurred/profit would be made from the lucky draw gifts. Customers must make their investment decisions in light of their own investment objectives, investment experience, financial situation or other needs etc, and (where necessary) should consult their own professional advisers before making any investment decisions.
  20. Please note that in respect of the lucky draw gifts deposited into the Securities Accounts of the Winners, customers are still subject to the fees and charges applicable to Securities Account, including custody fee (charged on a per account basis since September 2023) in respect of their securities holding and the relevant Securities Transaction Fee, transfer fee and/or capital gain tax etc when they sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of the lucky draw gifts in the future. For the details of our Securities Account fees and charges, please refer to Hang Seng Bank website > Investments > Securities > Securities Services Charges.
  21. Completion time of the criteria set out in clause 10 above are subject to the Bank's record. The Bank will determine the eligibility of the customers to join the Promotion based on the record held by the Bank. In case of any disputes, the Bank’s record shall be final and conclusive.
  22. On or before 30 September 2022, a SMS notifying Winners of the gift details will be sent by the Bank. The relevant Securities Accounts of the Winners must remain valid until the lucky draw gifts are deposited into such accounts.
  23. In case of any reason the Bank is unable to provide the lucky draw gifts, the Bank reserves the right to substitute the lucky draw gifts with other gifts at any time without prior notice. The value or nature of the substitute gift may differ from the lucky draw gifts specified in these Terms and Conditions.

To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!