One Click
to Personalize Stock Insights from Hang Seng’s Big Data

Hang Seng Securities Services offer you more insights to bring you investment references. Leverage on the comprehensive data on popularly traded/ held HK and US stocks to help you understand on the trading activities of other investors and seize investment opportunities.

Hang Seng Invest Express New Feature! Personalized Stock Insight.
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Hang Seng Invest Express – comprehensive investment data
Hot Picks Trend

By analysing the hot stock picks of overall Hang Seng investors, you can understand the latest market trend. The data is categorized into “Investors Like You” and “All Hang Seng Investors”, with each category covering “Top 5% performers” stock list.

Featured Sector

Based on your previous trading and browsing behaviours, we provide you with featured sectors that you may be interested in. This includes stock rankings from different perspectives to help you grasp market movements, featuring the top buy/ sell/ holding and top 10 stocks with highest price change %.

Active Stocks

Two yellow markers help you easily grasp the recent trends of stock. “New” indicates the stock is newly added to the list compared with previous trading day. “Consecutive Top” means that the stock is on the list for at least 3 consecutive trading days.

CBBC / Warrant Trends

A dedicated ranking of “Most traded CBBC / Warrant” provides you with the latest investment references from Hang Seng investors, helping you seize investment opportunities.

Ways to explore

Log into “Hang Seng Invest Express”


New user can click “Start now” from introduction page
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Click “Market”


You can click “Check out now” from “My Portfolio” and “Watch List” (only applicable during empty status) to check out the trading trends of different investors.


You can also click “Search Stocks” to see the ranking lists of Investors Like You.


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to access personalized stock insights from Hang Seng’s Big Data


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Investors like you - "Investors like you" refers to securities customers who share similar traits as yours in terms of transaction types, frequency, value and investment experience, as categorised by us from time to time. Among these customers in a group, relevant information for that group such as lists of top buy / top sell / top holdings is available for reference.

All Hang Seng investors - Any Hang Seng retail customer who trades relevant securities (e.g. stocks) through any securities trading channel of Hang Seng or is currently holding relevant securities will be regarded as a Hang Seng investor. We will then list the rankings of the stocks chosen by them for your reference.

Sector you may be interested in - This aims to provide certain lists of securities (including top buy / top sell / top holdings / top 10 stocks with highest price change %) in the industry sector that you may be interested in based on the data available to us, including your previous stocks transactions, search and browsing histories.

Top 5% performers - This ranking list chooses the top 5% of investors who are in the same "Investors like you" group/all Hang Seng investors, based on the performance of their stock portfolios (calculated by realised profits) over the past 3 months as of the last trading day. We will then sort the stocks based on those that have been most commonly bought and sold by these investors.

Data update frequency / time - According to the current schedule, the relevant data, including rankings, will be updated 3 times on each trading day in the relevant stock market, which are HKT 12:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. for HK stocks; HKT 12:30 a.m., 3:30 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. for US stocks. Each update will be based on the relevant data from the market opening time of that day up to the time our relevant system(s) obtained the same (around 1-2 hours before the update time). The actual update time and frequency may change without notice due to certain circumstances such as technical issue. For the rankings shown before the update at 12:30 p.m. are based on the data updated as of 6:00 p.m. on the previous trading day. The relevant information covered data of Hang Seng securities customers in retail banking only.

Risk Warnings and Disclaimer

The information of securities displayed on the pages mentioned above (the “Securities”) is for general reference and information purposes only. It does not constitute, and should not be construed as, any investment advice, offer, solicitation or recommendation to deal in any of the securities or investments. The Securities may not be suitable for all investors. No consideration has been given to the individual circumstances of any investors. Investment involves risks. The prices of securities fluctuate, sometimes dramatically. The price of a security may move up or down and may become valueless. It is likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying and selling securities. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. There can be no guarantee, and no representation is made, on the performance of the securities. Investors should make their investment decisions in light of their own investment objectives, investment experience, financial situation or other needs etc., and (where necessary) should consult their own professional advisers before making any investment decisions.