Terms and Conditions for Hang Seng “Pull Money” Reward Promotion ("the Promotion")
- The Promotion period is from 1 January 2022 to 31 March 2022, both dates inclusive ("Promotion Period").
- The Promotion is applicable to customers of Hang Seng Bank Limited (“the Bank”) who are sole-name Hong Kong Dollar denominated deposit account (“Eligible Deposit Account”) holders and fulfil all of the following requirements during the Promotion Period ("Eligible Customers"):
- Successfully register for the Pull Money service and link the account(s) of other local bank(s) via the Hang Seng Personal Banking mobile app; AND
- Keep the valid registration record of the Pull Money service and maintain the link(s) to the account(s) of other local bank(s) during the Promotion Period; AND
- Have a positive net growth amount of the combined total deposit balance of all sole-name deposit accounts (“Total Deposit Balance”) at 31 March 2022 as compared with the Total Deposit Balance as of 31 December 2021. All the related account deposit balances shall be based on the records of the Bank which shall prevail.
- Eligible Customers who successfully transfer funds accumulating to HKD10,000 or above from the account(s) of other local bank(s) to the Bank’s Deposit Account via Pull Money during the Promotion Period, will be entitled to HKD50 cash reward (“Eligible Customers of Offer 1”).
- The Bank will determine the Offer 1 reward eligibility based on the customer’s Pull Money transactions record(s) held by the Bank. In case of any disputes, the Bank’s record shall be final and conclusive.
- Faster Payment System (FPS) is a real-time payment platform operated by Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited. For terms and conditions related to the Faster Payment System (FPS), please visit hangseng
com/fpsvisit hangseng
com/fpsBrowse Hang Seng Bank website > Banking > Useful Information > Faster Payment System (FPS) for details.
- Eligible Customers of Offer 1 who successfully complete a merchant bill payment during the Promotion Period via Hang Seng Personal e-Banking or Hang Seng Personal Banking mobile app (“Online Bill Payment”) with a minimum payment amount of HKD100, can enjoy the HKD50 cash reward.
- Payment for settling Hang Seng Credit card bills is not an eligible Online Bill Payment.
- Any transactions which, in the Bank’s reasonable opinion, involve any abusive or fraudulent behavior or any bills which are eventually cancelled / refunded, are ineligible for any reward and will all be excluded from this offer.
- Eligible Customers of Offer 1 who successfully complete three foreign currencies transactions (including buy/sell transactions for any foreign currencies available from the Bank) during the Promotion Period via Hang Seng Personal e-Banking or Hang Seng Personal Banking mobile app, with each transaction amount reaching HKD10,000 or above (“Eligible Transaction”), can enjoy HKD100 cash reward.
- Each Eligible Transaction will be calculated in the Hong Kong Dollar or its equivalent based on the actual exchange rate executed for the transaction.
- For any cross currency exchange, the relevant amount will be converted into the Hong Kong Dollar equivalent with the exchange rate for the buy currency solely determined by the Bank on 31 March 2022, so as to calculate the relevant transaction amount in the Hong Kong Dollar equivalent.
- For any cross currency exchange, it will be treated as two transactions (taking an exchange of USD to AUD as an example: (a) the USD to HKD exchange and (b) the HKD to AUD exchange, the amount of transactions (a) and (b) equivalent to Hong Kong Dollar value will be both counted).
- Eligible Customers are entitled to the cash reward of offers 1, 2, and 3 once only with the maximum amount of cash reward capped at HKD200 for each Eligible Customer.
- The cash reward of Offers 1, 2, and 3 will be credited to the Eligible Customer’s account with the highest aggregated transactions amount on “Pull Money” Service (“Reward Account”) on or before 31 May 2022. The Reward Account must be valid at the time the corresponding cash reward is credited, otherwise he/she will forfeit his/her right to receive the cash reward.
- Unless otherwise specified, the Promotion is not applicable to corporate accounts customers, Private Banking customers and the Bank's staff.
- No person other than the Eligible Customer and the Bank (which includes its successors and assigns) will have any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any of the provision of these Terms and Conditions.
- These Terms and Conditions are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
- These Terms and Conditions are subject to prevailing regulatory requirements.
- The Bank reserves the right to suspend, vary and terminate all the rewards and amend the relevant Terms and Conditions of the rewards from time to time. The decision of the Bank on all matters relating to the rewards shall be final and binding on all parties concerned.
- This promotion and the relevant offers are subject to the Terms and Conditions for the relevant products or services. If there is any inconsistency between the Terms and Conditions for the relevant products or services and these Terms and Conditions, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
- In case of any discrepancy between the English and the Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.
Offer 1: Fund-in Reward
Offer 2: Online Bill Payment Service Reward
Offer 3: Online FX Reward
General Terms and Conditions