Maybe you have not yet registered for Hang Seng Business e-Banking. Follow 3 steps below to register now and you can use 1 click to set up time deposit and enjoy preferential interest rate without leaving your office or home. It’s so easy and convenient.
What’s more, you can enjoy Outward Remittance handling fee up to 48% off, CHATS handling fee as low as HKD25, plus other exclusive offers at Business e-Banking.
1. Select "Apply Now".
2. If you do not have a Business Online Application Platform profile,
please open one now.
3. Then, select "Hang Seng Business e-Banking".
4. Complete the application form. For enquiries, please press “i" for help.
Submit the form and receive instant notification email.
1. Each authorized signatory will receive a confirmation SMS within 4 working days1Footnote remark [1].
2. Search "Hang Seng Business" in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and
download the Hang Seng Business Mobile App.
3. Select "Digital ID Verification" from the directory to verify your identity online.
4. Take photographs of ID card from 3 angles.
5. Take a selfie.
6. Set confirmation password.
7. Authorized signatory will receive a confirmation SMS.
Please follow the instructions to access the ”e-confirmation” platform and
e-confirm the application.
1. Within 3 working days2Footnote remark [2], the Primary User will receive an authentication code via SMS, as well as a personal activation password and security device sent by post.
2. Log on to and complete the first login to start enjoying business e-Banking services!