Hang Seng empowers your business with a range of financial solutions, including SME Business Loan, 90% Guarantee Product under the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme ("90% Guarantee Product"), and SME Trade, to help you overcome challenges and unlock growth opportunities.

Customers who apply for SME Business Loan, 90% Guarantee Product or SME Trade through the Hang Seng Business Online Application Platform and/or Hang Seng Business e-Banking may receive “Approval-in-principle” in as fast as 10 seconds and may be eligible for the limited-time double offers.
Limited-Time Double Offers
From 1 January to 31 March 2025, each customer who successfully applies for SME Business Loan through the Hang Seng Business Online Application Platform or Hang Seng Business e-Banking may enjoy the following limited-time double offers:
Offer 1
Full handling fee waivers for the Instalment Loan under the SME Business Loan. Customers who apply for the Overdraft Facility are eligible to enjoy 50% off first-year monthly fee(i)
Offer 2
Up to HKD3,300 cash rebate for successful application and drawdown of the Instalment Loan under SME Business Loan(ii)

SME Business Loan Manned Hotline: 2198 8033

SME Business Loan Features
Loan amount up to HKD2,000,000
No collateral or financial reports required
Choice of 2 financing options: Instalment Loan or Overdraft Facility
  1. Instalment Loan allows you to better plan your finances
    • Repayment period of up to 60 months
    • Choice of Principal Repayment DeferralFootnote remark [1] in the first 3 months
  2. Overdraft FacilityFootnote remark [3] helps you meet unexpected financial needs
    • No interest charged on unused limit
    • Credit limit restored automatically with each repayment


  1. Customers may choose to pay interest only and not to make any principal repayment in the first 3 months of the repayment period (“Principal Payment Holiday”). After the Principal Payment Holiday, customers shall repay both the principal and interest for each instalment in the remaining repayment period.
  2. Customers are required to make a minimum payment of an amount equivalent to 10% of the total outstanding amount on or before the payment due date as shown in the relevant monthly statement.
Limited-Time Double Offers
From 1 January to 31 March 2025, each customer who successfully applies for 90% Guarantee Product through the Hang Seng Business Online Application Platform or Hang Seng Business e-Banking may enjoy the following limited-time double offers:
Offer 1
Full handling fee waiver and up to HKD100,000 Guarantee Fee Subsidy(i)
Offer 2
Up to HKD3,300 cash rebate for successful application and drawdown of the 90% Guarantee Product under SFGS(ii)

90% Guarantee Product Features
Maximum Facility Amount up to HKD8,000,000
Maximum Guarantee Period up to 5 years

Want to know more about other types of SFGS products?
Product Comparison

Business Loan

90% Guarantee Product

To get a speedy loan drawdown to facilitate business operation and expansion

To get a government guaranteed loan with better interest rate

Loan amount up to HKD2,000,000

A larger loan amount up to HKD8,000,000

Instalment loan repayment period of up to 60 months4
No collateral or financial reports requiredFootnote remark [1]

Apply fully online and get the Approval-in-principle result in as fast as 10 secondsFootnote remark [2]
Upload documents and complete digital ID verification to e-Sign the loan documentsFootnote remark [3]

Faster Directly approved
by Hang Seng

After approval by Hang Seng, subject to
HKMCI's approval


  1. Hang Seng Bank Limited ("Hang Seng") reserves the right to request any further supporting documents / information.
  2. 10-seconds approval-in-principle approval service (“Approval Service”) is only applicable to the online applications for Hang Seng SME Business Loan ("SME Business Loan") and 90% Guarantee Product under SME Financing Guarantee Scheme (“90% Guarantee Product”) received by Hang Seng between 6:45am and 9pm from Mondays to Fridays, and between 6:45am and 6pm on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, and subject to the accuracy of information provided by customers, the devices and internet performance of customers, the availability and stability of the Hang Seng’s related systems and servers, as well as the credit reference agency’s services. Hang Seng reserves the right to determine whether or not to provide the Approval Service at its sole and absolute discretion. For online applications of SME Business Loan or 90% Guarantee Product without Approval Service results generated, Hang Seng will contact the customers within two working days. The result of the Approval Service is generated based on the information provided by the customer in the online application for SME Business Loan or 90% Guarantee Product, the internal records of Hang Seng and credit information provided by credit reference agency. The result of the Approval Service is subject to the supporting documents provided by the customer and final review and approval by Hang Seng. Hang Seng reserves the right to approve a lesser amount of the result of the Approval Service or reject the application without giving any reason therefor.
  3. The digital ID verification and e-Sign service is subject to the devices and internet performance of customers, the availability and stability of Hang Seng’s related systems and servers. Also, the customer’s connected party(ies) has/ have to be physically located in Hong Kong when completing digital ID verification and e-Sign. Hang Seng reserves the right to determine whether or not to provide the service at its sole and absolute discretion.
  4. Online application for 90% Guarantee product with instalment loan repayment period of more than 60 months are not applicable in Hang Seng Business Online Application Platform or Hang Seng Business e-Banking. If customer would like to apply for 90% Guarantee Product with instalment loan repayment period of more than 60 months, customers are required to fill in the Application Form for Commercial Credit Facilities and submit to our Relationship Manager for further review and follow up. If you have any queries, please kindly contact your dedicated Relationship Manager or contact us via our SME Business Loan Hotline +852 2198 8033.
SME Business Loan
Application Steps
Create profile and submit the loan application form in the SME Business Loan application page
Approval-in-principle result in as fast as 10 seconds and upload documents
Upload the required documents and submit the form