With effect from 1 December 2017, the management fees of 10 constituent funds, accounting for 40% of the total number of constituent funds under the two MPF schemes of Hang Seng Bank Limited (‘Hang Seng’), namely Hang Seng Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus and Hang Seng Mandatory Provident Fund – ValueChoice, will be lowered by a range of 4% to 27%. Following the fee reduction, the fee rate will be as low as 0.75% per annum of the net asset value (‘NAV’) for certain individual funds. Besides, thereafter, both the contribution account and personal account will have an identical fee level for each respective constituent fund. More than 60% of the constituent funds under the two MPF schemes are regarded as low fee funds^, which allow you to enjoy greater potential returns with lower management fees.
Please refer to the tabs of ‘Hang Seng Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus’ and ‘Hang Seng Mandatory Provident Fund – ValueChoice’ for the newly adjusted management fees.
Please refer to the relevant ‘Principal Brochure’ and its supplement (if any) or MPF publications for more details of the management fees and other applicable fees, charges and expenses of the constituent funds. For further details, please visit the Hang Seng MPF Website at www.hangseng.com/empf.
Apart from offering low fee funds as smart choices, Hang Seng MPF also has the following benefits:
Hang Seng MPF Specialists at designated branches can help you consolidate your MPF accounts with total professionalism. Hang Seng MPF Hotline and MPF Drop-in Boxes at specific branches are also in place to answer your queries and for easy submission of the relevant forms, respectively.
Hang Seng offers two MPF schemes with a broad spectrum of constituent funds to suit the retirement plans and other needs of all walks of life.
With a wide range of MPF service tools, including Hang Seng Personal e-Banking, ATMs and hotline, consolidated statements, and etc., Hang Seng helps you manage your MPF account easily and efficiently.