Investment involves risk (including the possibility of loss of the capital invested). Prices of investment products may go up as well as down and may even become valueless. Past performance information presented is not indicative of future performance. Investors should not only base on this marketing material alone to make any investment decision, but should read in detail the offering documents and the Risk Disclosure Statement of the relevant investment products.

Risk Disclosure of Investment Funds:
  • Investors should note that all investments involve risks (including the possibility of loss of the capital invested), prices or value of investment fund units may go up as well as down and past performance information presented is not indicative of future performance. Investors should read carefully and understand the relevant offering documents of the investment funds (including the fund details and full text of the risk factors stated therein) and the Notice to Customers for Fund Investing before making any investment decision. Investment funds are investment products and some may involve derivatives. Investors should carefully consider their own circumstances whether an investment is suitable for them in view of their own investment objectives, investment experience, preferred investment tenor, financial situation, risk tolerance abilities, tax implications and other needs, etc., and should understand the nature, terms and risks of the investment products. Investors should obtain independent professional advice if they have concerns about their investment.

A wide array of fund choices to help you diversify your investment risk exposure and easily achieve your wealth goals

Hang Seng Investment Fund Services offer hundreds of funds covering different asset classes, market segments and risk tolerance levels to suit different needs of each individual.

From 1 January 2025 to 31 March 2025 (the “Promotion Period”), eligible customer who successfully opens an Investment Fund Account can enjoy 0% fund subscription fee offer.

0% Fund Subscription Fee Offer
Eligible Customers[1] who successfully open an Investment Fund Account and subscribe for funds can enjoy a 0% Fund Subscription Fee Offer for up to the designated accumulated subscription amount on the first transaction day within the first 30 days upon account opening.

Eligible Customer
Subscription Channel
Designated Accumulated Subscription Amount (or its equivalent)
Prestige Private
Any Channels
Prestige Banking
Any Channels
Preferred Banking and Integrated Account Customers
Terms and Conditions tnc icon tnc icon for the 0% Fund Subscription Fee Offer.
  1. The offer is only applicable to Prestige Private, Prestige Banking, Preferred Banking and Integrated Account customers who newly opened an Investment Fund Account (under the account number suffix of 382) during the Promotion Period.

Investment Fund Services
Each fund is managed by a professional fund manager. Based on different market conditions, a fund manager and his/her team will use fundamental and technical analysis to try select investments with higher potential, while aligning with the investment goals. They will also adjust the investment fund portfolio according to economic and market trends, in order to manage the risks and in an attempt to generate returns.
Compared with direct subscription of assets like single equity and foreign currency, investment funds maybe better at risk diversification. For example, an equity fund can invest in a variety of stocks of different sectors and backgrounds at the same time. Even when one stock or stocks of a certain category are affected by different factors, the investment funds may still offset the losses with profits gained from other stocks.
It is comparatively difficult for general investors to invest directly in overseas assets, such as bonds issued by foreign governments, foreign stock markets, and commodities like oil and precious metals. By buying the fund that hold such assets, investors have the opportunity to engage in global investment.
Investors can buy or sell investment funds on any dealing day though different channels.
Fund SuperMart is a versatile platform with a simple and clear search engine designed for you to pick the right funds easily.
You may also check out the performance overview below for fund investment ideas.
Top Performing Sectors [2]
Compare the year-to-date performance of various sectors
More details
Top 10 Best-Selling Funds
A list of the top 10 best-selling funds updated on a monthly basis
More details
New Funds Express
Keeping you abreast of the newly launched investment funds
More details
[2] Data on the past performances of the funds are not indicative of similar performances of such funds in the future.
Useful Information and Tools
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Experience now Hang Seng Bank Website > Investments > Investments Overview
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Before subscription for our various types of investment products, you can find out more about your risk appetite to better plan your investment ahead by completing or updating your Risk Profiling Questionnaire.
Log on to Hang Seng Personal e-Banking › Investments › Risk Profiling Questionnaire › Update Now
Log on to Hang Seng Personal e-Banking › Investments › Risk Profiling Questionnaire › Update Now
Invest in diverse markets and assets at a lower cost to spread risk
Experience now Hang Seng Bank Website > Investments > Market Commentary
Experience now Hang Seng Bank Website > Investments > Market Commentary
For investment beginners to learn how to invest in funds
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Experience now Hang Seng Bank Website > Investments > Market Commentary