Risk Disclosure for FX2 - FX and Precious Metal Trading

  • Foreign exchange and precious metal trading involves a high degree of risk. You may sustain a substantial or even total loss of your initial collateral. Under certain market conditions, you may find it difficult or impossible to liquidate a position of outstanding FX2 Trading Contracts. Placing contingent orders, such as "stop-loss" or "stop-limit" orders, will not necessarily limit your loss at the designated price. In extreme circumstances whereby the market moves significantly against your positions, you may be required to make additional deposits or interest payments within a short period of time to maintain your positions. If you fail to provide the required deposits or interest payments immediately, your positions under all outstanding FX2 Trading Contracts may be closed out without prior notice. You should therefore carefully consider if foreign exchange and precious metal trading is suitable for you in light of your own financial position and investment objectives.
  • Renminbi ("RMB") is subject to foreign exchange control by the PRC government. If your FX2 Trading Contract involves offshore RMB, you will be subject to foreign control and currency risks of RMB.
  • Trading on an electronic trading system may differ from trading on other trading systems or platforms. You will be exposed to risks associated with the system including the failure of hardware and software, which could result in your order not being executed according to your instructions or at all.
  • Investment involves risks. The above risk disclosure cannot disclose all the risks involved. You should read and understand all the relevant documents and risk disclosure (in particular, the Risk Disclosure Statement contained in the relevant application form) before making any investment decision.
  • The contents of this webpage have not been reviewed by any regulatory authority in Hong Kong. You are advised to exercise caution in relation to this webpage. If you are uncertain of or do not understand the nature of and the risks involved in foreign exchange and precious metal trading, you should seek independent professional advice.
Comprehensive Information SupportFootnote remark [1]

Hotline to Get in Touch with Seasoned Experts for Professional FX Analyses

  • Our professional investment team headed by Hang Seng's Chief Market Strategist Mr. Mark Wan will take the call to share with you their professional analyses and insights, helping you to uncover potential investment opportunities!

Regular FX Market Investment Forum

  • Hang Seng's Chief Market Strategist Mr. Mark Wan will host regular FX investment forums to share his analyses of and insights into the latest market trends.

Workshop in Small Groups

  • Allow you to learn about Hang Seng's trading platform and obtain different aspects of FX trading.
Experts Hotline: 2 1 9 8 6 4 5 1
Service Hotline: 2 9 1 3 3 3 2 2
Chief Market Strategist - Mr. Mark Wan
Web tools

With our free web tools for you, get ready before real trades by equipping yourself with FX2 features and the mock trading experience!

1-minute Tutorial

8 episodes of 1-minute tutorial, each of which lasts around 1 minute, demonstrating the core functions of FX2 to you.

Mock trading

You can experience FX trading via this mock trading platform, which features a very close-to-reality interface and scenario.

Experience Now:
Hang Seng Bank website > Investments > Foreign Currency Investments >
FX2 - FX and Precious Metal Trading Services

Market InsightFootnote remark [1] and Offers

Comprehensive Investment Information Platform - Investment Corner brings you the following investment information and insights:

  • A one-stop online investment platform
  • Daily market commentary and update
  • Investment videos with investment profressional' analyses on market movements and trends
Investment Corner:
Hang Seng Bank website > Investments > Market Express > Market Insights
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Image of Investment Corner Webpage
Footnote remark [1] This information provided by the Bank is for general information and reference only, and does not constitute, nor is it intended to be, nor should it be construed as any professional advice, offer, solicitation, or recommendation to deal in any investments. Please refer to the full disclaimer in the relevant information.