Report Profile
The Hang Seng Bank Corporate Sustainability Report (Report) provides information on Hang Seng Bank’s principles and actions as a corporate citizen operating in the financial sector and its relationships with major stakeholders.
This Report describes the Bank’s efforts to support the principles of sustainable development during the calendar year of 2014. The Report focuses on the economic, environmental and social issues that have an impact on the sustainability of Hang Seng and that are of interest to stakeholders. The Report supplements the ‘Corporate Sustainability’ section of the Bank’s 2014 Annual Report.
Report Scope
The content of this Report was defined after taking into account the materiality of sustainability issues arising from Hang Seng’s operations in Hong Kong.
Data measurement techniques and the basis of calculations are explained next to the data tables. Financial data is extracted from or compiled based on the Bank’s audited annual accounts for the financial year 1 January to 31 December 2014.
There are no significant changes from the previous reporting period in terms of scope, boundary or measurement methods of the Report. Where there has been any restatement of information provided in previous Reports, reasons for such restatement are provided.
Reporting Period
Financial accounts data are for the financial year 1 January to 31 December 2014. Other information covers the same period unless otherwise stated.
Report Coverage
This Report covers Hang Seng's Hong Kong operations, unless otherwise stated. Hang Seng's mainland China business operations are excluded. The Report covers operations that are under Hang Seng's direct control and provides information on the Bank’s efforts to have a positive influence on the sustainability awareness and activities of its employees, customers, suppliers, business partners and the wider community.
Reporting Guidelines
Financial and corporate data included in this year's Report are directly comparable with data from the Bank’s 2013 Report unless otherwise stated. The Report has been compiled with reference to the internationally recognised Global Reporting Initiative (GRI G3.1) sustainability reporting guidelines.
This Report has been independently verified and has achieved a GRI application level of A+.
Data Collection
Collection of data for this Report has been coordinated by the Bank’s CSR Sustainers through consultation with relevant teams and individuals. Hang Seng has published an annual online Report since 2006. Hang Seng’s last Report was published in June 2014.