Effective communication is crucial in building a motivated and engaged workforce. Since 2007, we have conducted an annual staff survey to measure engagement levels and gain insights into perceptions regarding our performance against our strategic objectives and in cultivating a values-led culture. The results of this survey are used to identify the motivations, catalysts and barriers in achieving high performance.
In 2014, we continued with our Communication and Engagement Framework initiative, which is designed to assess staff understanding and acceptance of the Bank's vision and strategies through a mixture of cascading communications, leadership programmes and action-learning projects.
Information relating to employment matters, the Bank’s business direction and strategies, and factors affecting the Bank’s performance are conveyed to staff via different channels, including business briefings, circulars, individual e-mails to employees, and our intranet site, in-house magazine and morning broadcasts.
Due consideration is given with regard to the minimum notice period and appropriate communication channels for the implementation of any significant operational changes.
Employees are encouraged to engage in two-way communication with senior management or provide feedback through such initiatives as Chief Executive's Mailbox and Post-results Business Briefings.