Our employment practices do not discriminate on the grounds of sex, marital status or pregnancy, family status, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, or disability. In championing a diverse and inclusive workplace, we expect all members of our team to demonstrate appreciation, care and respect for each other, regardless of position, background, gender or age.
To help combat discrimination, harassment or victimisation in the workplace, we have an Equal Opportunities Policy in place and have issued additional more detailed policy statements on issues requiring special consideration. Our human resources policies comply with relevant government legislation, ordinances and regulations. The principles established in our Equal Opportunities Policy are incorporated into our Staff Code of Conduct with which all staff must comply.
All staff receive training on issues such as diversity and inclusion, equal opportunities and data privacy, including as part of our New Joiners programme. In 2014, we provided about 30,349 hours of training on policies, procedures, and building greater awareness of human rights issues that are relevant to our working environment and operations.