Our concern for high standards of occupational health and safety (OH&S) in the workplace includes having engaged employees at all levels through committees, forums and working groups in the development of an OH&S policy and management framework.
In 2009, we became the first bank in the world to implement a certified BS OHSAS 18001:2007-compliant Occupational Health Safety Management System (OHSMS). Designed to reduce the exposure of staff, contractors and customers to health and safety risks associated with our business activities, the OHSMS is overseen by a Safety Management Committee (SMC) comprising senior management representatives, with responsibility for monitoring and advising on occupational health and safety programmes. The concerns and views of staff are represented by around 300 Job Hazards Analysis (JHA) Team members and Internal Safety Assessors and the Working Team of the SMC, which is a lower tier committee of the SMC comprising middle management representatives (see box: OH&S: Everyone’s Business).
We provide a range of training courses to enhance the OH&S knowledge of our staff. We arrange for employees from different sites and business lines to acquire qualified first aider status so as to offer prompt assistance to colleagues and customers in the event of a medical emergency or accident. A number of our qualified first aiders have been trained to operate the automated external defibrillators that are installed in various Bank premises.
We have developed a Contingency Plan for Communicable Diseases, which sets out the key issues to be addressed and the actions to be taken by various units in response to the occurrence of a serious communicable disease. Our intranet provides staff with information on the importance of personal hygiene and good health practices, and on the contingency measures that will be adopted to enable the Bank to continue to serve the community during an outbreak of a serious contagious disease.
OH&S: Everyone’s Business |
Under our BS OHSAS 18001:2007 - OHSMS certification, we have established processes for addressing a broad range of OH&S issues at both Bank-wide and functional levels. |
Issues discussed at a functional level
- Personal protective equipment
- Organisation and operation of the SMC
- Staff representative participation in health and safety inspections, audits and accident investigations
- OH&S training and education
- Complaints and reporting mechanisms
- Safe workplace rights
Issues discussed at a Bank-wide level
- Compliance with the International Labour Ordinance as required under the internationally recognised BS OHSAS 18001:2007 certification standards
- Arrangements and systems for resolving OH&S-related problems
- Commitments regarding target performance standards and levels of practice to apply
Occupational Health and Safety Statistics |
2014 |
Lost day rate |
Male |
1.83% |
Female |
5.23% |
Occupational injury rate |
Male |
0.06% |
Female |
0.13% |
Absenteeism rate |
Absenteeism rate |
1.77%* |
* includes sick leave & compensation sick leave days in 2014