As a service-based business, supply chain management is not a primary driver of our sustainability performance. However, our relationships with contractors and suppliers represent an additional opportunity for us to encourage positive change among the broader business community. We must also protect our corporate reputation by requiring suppliers to demonstrate a commitment to sound operating values.
We have clear policies for selecting contractors that will provide services in full compliance with our supplier sustainability standards, which cover areas such as ethics, health and safety, employment policies and human rights-related issues, and environmental performance.
We do not operate in environments that entail a high risk of human rights violations and assessment of our operations has not revealed any risk relating to the exercising of freedom of association or collective bargaining rights. Under the current system of assessment, none of our major suppliers and contractors has been identified as having significant risk for incidents of child or forced labour. Nonetheless, we are committed to protecting human rights in the workplace, as established by internationally accepted principles such as those in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the Codes of Practice on Employment promulgated by the Equal Opportunities Commission in Hong Kong. Our Equal Opportunities Policy is stipulated in our Human Resources Manual.
Suppliers must comply with our Ethical and Environmental Code of Conduct for Suppliers of Goods and Services (available for review at: All of our suppliers have committed to respecting the human rights of their employees and of individuals in their communities and to comply with all relevant legislation, regulations and directives in the countries and communities in which they operate.
Our supplier pre-qualification documents ask contractors to complete a questionnaire covering environmental issues, including whether they have an established environmental management system and/or have attained ISO 14001 accreditation, which is assessed as part of the tender process.
Suppliers with whom we have regular and recurring dealings must have demonstrable management processes in place to ensure they comply with our Code of Conduct and must make reasonable efforts to monitor and ensure that their own supply chains are aware of and comply with such standards.
Our procurement policy also governs internal control of operating and capital expenditures, covering all purchases and expenditure by the Bank. The policy aims to support operational efficiency, segregation of duties, and the requirement to make the 'best buy', as well as ensure transparency throughout the procurement process.