Important Risk Warnings

Investors should note that investment involves risks. The prices of securities fluctuate, sometimes dramatically. The price of a security may move up or down, and may become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying and selling securities.

Investors should note that investing in different Renminbi-denominated securities and products involves different risks (including but are not limited to currency risk, exchange rate risk, credit risk of issuer / counterparty, interest rate risk, liquidity risk (where appropriate)). The key risks of investing in securities via the Stock Connect Northbound Trading include:

  • Once the respective quota is used up, trading will be affected or will be suspended.
  • Stock Connect Northbound Trading will only operate on days when both markets are open for trading. Investors should take note of the days the Stock Connect Northbound Trading is open for business and decide according to their own risk tolerance whether or not to take on the risk of price fluctuations in securities during the time when Stock Connect Northbound Trading is not trading.
  • When a security is recalled from the scope of eligible securities for trading via Stock Connect Northbound Trading, that security can only be sold but NOT bought.
  • Investors will be exposed to currency risk if conversion of the local currency into RMB is required.

Foreign securities carry additional risks not generally associated with securities in the domestic market. The value or income (if any) of foreign securities may be more volatile and could be adversely affected by changes in many factors. Client assets received or held by the licensed or registered person outside Hong Kong are subject to the applicable laws and regulations of the relevant overseas jurisdiction which may be different from the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap.571) and the rules made thereunder. Consequently, such client assets may not enjoy the same protection as that conferred on client assets received or held in Hong Kong.

Investors should note that ETF is different from a typical unit trust and many factors will affect its performance. In general, the market price per ETF unit may be significantly higher or lower than its net asset value per unit due to market demand and supply, liquidity, and scale of trading spread in the secondary market and will fluctuate during the trading day. ETF is different from stocks, investors should read the offering documents of the relevant ETF and understand the features and risks of ETF etc.

Investors should not only base on this material alone to make any investment decision, but should read in detail the relevant risk disclosure statements.

Our securities services help you tap investment opportunities

Hang Seng Securities Services provide you with comprehensive online trading channels, empowering you to capture investment opportunities in different markets with flexible portfolio allocations. With Invest Express1, you can trade HK stocks, A-shares and US stocks all via one single app, helping you to seize market trends more conveniently.

Open a securities account with us to enjoy the following offers, as well as extra rewards with Family+ accounts.

“Scratch Reward” : Earn Rewards for Your Stock Trades!

Get chances to win brokerage fee coupons and up to full brokerage fee waiver

From now until 31 December 2024, customers trading HK stocks / US stocks / A shares through any securities trading channel of the Bank can get a scratch card for each transaction. Simply log onto Hang Seng Invest Express mobile app to scratch your card for a chance to win a brokerage fee coupon and up to full brokerage fee waiver on your next trade. There is no limit number of coupons!

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From 1 July to 30 September 2024 (the "promotion period") , securities customers can enjoy the following offers:


Welcome offers for New Securities Customers

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Exclusive offers on HK stocks / A-shares / US stocks

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Multiple rewards for investment account opening img-title-line

Hang Seng Bank provides comprehensive investment products, including stocks, funds, foreign currency investments, bonds etc., to cater to your investment needs in every aspect, and allow you to grasp wealth accumulation opportunities. Now you can activate our 4 investment accounts via Hang Seng Mobile App in one click to enjoy multiple rewards and earn up to 3,000 Olive Points!

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More details about Prestige Banking account:

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Customer Enquiries: 2822 0228

  • Android, Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.
  • Apple, the Apple logo, and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.
  1. For details about Hang Seng Invest Express mobile app, please visit our website: Investments > Securities > Hang Seng Invest Express mobile app. Details about Hang Seng Invest Express mobile app.
  2. The promotion period of US Stocks Brokerage Fee Half Price Offer is from 1 December 2023 to 31 December 2024.
  3. $0 brokerage fee is applicable to all transactions of HK stocks or Stock Connect Securities. No minimum transaction amount is required for each transaction. “Stock Connect Securities” refer to A- shares/Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and/or Shenzhen Stock Exchange and eligible for Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect Northbound Trading/Shenzhen- Hong Kong Stock Connect Northbound Trading. US stocks trading is applicable to Invest Express only.
  4. Details about the security for trading securities online.
  5. Details about the security for trading securities online.
  6. For details about the security for trading securities online, please visit our website: Investments > Other Related Services > Security for Trading Securities and Other Investment Products Online.
  7. All the account holders of the new securities account must not hold any securities account (personal/ joint) with the Bank within a period of 6 months preceding the account opening date.
  8. Details about the relevant services charges apply on stocks deposit service or contact our staff. Designated Deposit Period for new securities customers is from account opening date to 31 October 2024 while that for existing securities customers is from 1 July 2024 to 30 September 2024. Please refer to table below for detail about the cash reward of up to HKD12,000:
    Prestige Private Prestige Banking Preferred Banking or other Integrated Accounts
    New securities customers HKD12,000 HKD6,000 HKD3,600
    Existing securities customers HKD3,600
  9. The promotion period for $0 brokerage fee on BUY trades for eligible ETFs is from 1 March 2024 to 31 December 2024. This offer is only applicable to ETFs managed by Hang Seng Investment Management Limited and listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. To learn more about the eligible ETFs, please visit website of > Our Products > Exchange Traded Funds (ETF). This offer is provided by Hang Seng Bank Limited. However, please note that the eligible ETFs are managed by Hang Seng Investment Management Limited (a wholly- owned subsidiary of Hang Seng Bank Limited) and the relevant eligible ETFs’ trustee, index provider, the participating dealers, market makers and any other service providers (as applicable) may include members of the HSBC Group. Please refer to the Hong Kong offering document of the eligible ETFs for details including any potential conflicts of interest in respect of those ETFs that may arise.

Other Important Risk Warnings

Risk Disclosure of the Tracker Fund of Hong Kong

  • The Tracker Fund of Hong Kong ("TraHK") is an exchange-traded fund designed to provide investment results that closely correspond to the performance of the Hang Seng Index ("Index") but its return may deviate from that of the Index.
  • Investment involves risk, including risks of concentration of investments in shares in constituent companies of the Index, performance of the Index, economic, political and social developments, risks relating to investment in Hong Kong-listed stocks, and dual counter risks. Investors may lose part or all of their investments.
  • Due to fees and expenses of TraHK, liquidity of the market and tracking strategy adopted by the Manager, TraHK's return may deviate from that of the Index.
  • The trading price of TraHK may differ from the underlying net asset value ("NAV") per unit.
  • TraHK may not be suitable for all investors. Investors should not invest based on this website only. Investors should read TraHK's prospectus including all risk factors, consider the product features, their own investment objectives, risk tolerance level and other factors, and seek independent financial and professional advice as appropriate prior to making any investment.
  • The performance of TraHK, the NAV per unit and the performance by the manager and the trustee of their respective obligations are not guaranteed by the HKSAR Government. The HKSAR Government has given no guarantee or assurance that the investment objective of TraHK will be met.

RMB Currency Risk

Renminbi ("RMB") is subject to exchange rate risk. Fluctuation in the exchange rate of RMB may result in losses in the event that the customer subsequently converts RMB into another currency (including Hong Kong Dollars). Exchange controls imposed by the relevant authorities may also adversely affect the applicable exchange rate. RMB is currently not freely convertible and conversion of RMB may be subject to certain policy, regulatory requirements and/or restrictions (which are subject to changes from time to time without notice). The actual conversion arrangement will depend on the policy, regulatory requirements and/or restrictions prevailing at the relevant time.

Foreign Exchange Risk

Foreign Exchange Risk involves Exchange Rate Risk. Fluctuations in the exchange rate of a foreign currency may result in gains or losses in the event that the customer converts HKD to foreign currency or vice versa.

Important notes and disclaimer

These promotion materials have not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong ("SFC"). The information contained herein is for general information and reference purposes only and is not intended to provide professional investment or other advice. It is not intended to form the basis of any investment decision. You should not make any investment decision based solely on the information and services provided herein. Before making any investment decision, you should take into account your own circumstances including but not limited to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives, and should understand the nature, terms and risks of the relevant investment product. You should obtain appropriate professional advice where necessary.
These promotion materials are not intended to provide or regard as legal or taxation advice, or investment recommendations If you are in doubt of the marketing and promotional activities and materials of the Bank, please call customer service enquiry hotline for authentication.